U.K. – British Academy Portal, access to the British Academy’s directory of online resources in the humanities and social sciences, http://www.britac.ac.uk/portal.cfm
U.K., Society for Promotion of Byzantine Studies, U.K.,
U.K., UNIVERSITIES. Oxford University, Eastern Christianity,
U.K., Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge, U.K.,
U.K., Orthodox Studies, The University of Winchester,
U.K., Royal Holloway, University of London,
U.K., Queen’s University of Belfast, Institute of Byzantine Studies, http://www.qub.ac.uk/ibs/http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/SchoolofHistoryandAnthropology/Staff/AcademicStaff/DrDionSmythe
U.K., King’s College, London, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studie, http://www.kcl.ac.uk/kis/schools/hums/byzmodgreek/top.html
U.K., University of Reading, https://www.reading.ac.uk/Study/courses/research/medievalResearch.aspx
U.K., University of Oxford, http://www.history.ox.ac.uk/byzstud/
U.K., University of Birmingham, Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies,
U.K., The Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway, University of London,
U.K., Newcastle University, http://www.ncl.ac.uk/historical/postgrad/taught/ma_romanbyzan.htm
U.K., Near Eastern Studies Programme (Oxford) http://www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/
U.K., Late Antique Archaeology at the University of Kent,
http://lateantiquearchaeology.wordpress.com/ with the Antique Archaeology Conferences
U.K., King’s College London, http://www.kcl.ac.uk/schools/humanities/depts/bmgs
U.K., Warburg Institute, http://warburg.sas.ac.uk
U.K., Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
U.K., Courtauld Institute, Library, http://www.courtauld.ac.uk/booklibrary/
U.K., Cardiff University, http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/share/research/centres/clarc/index.html
U.K., University of Leeds, http://www.leeds.ac.uk/ims/
U.K., International Medieval Congress, Leeds, http://www.leeds.ac.uk/imi/imc/imc.htm
U.K., University of Sussex – Byzantine mosaic glass tesserae: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/byzantine/mosaic/
U.K., LIBRARIES. Library, Oxford Libraries http://library.ox.ac.uk
U.K., University Library Cambridge www.lib.cam.ac.uk, manuscript collection.
U.K., Electronic Catalogue of Greek manuscripts of the British Library
http://molcat.bl.uk/msscat/INDEX.ASP. British Library, London, www.bl.uk, major manuscript collection.
U.K., Bodleian Library, Oxord, http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk, University of Oxford, has a rich collection of Byzantine manuscripts. Early manuscripts at Oxford University, http://www.image.ox.ac.uk
U.K. – COPAC - National Library of UK, including Scotland and the National Library of Wales, http://copac.ac.uk
U.K., MUSEUMS. Collections and Museums, Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Rich in Byzantine objects, including an Epitaphios of 1407 and an exquisite mosaic icon of the Annunciation (14th century); also icons, enamels, embroideries, www.vam.ac.uk
U.K, British Museum, London (icons, rich collection of manuscripts including the Cotton Genesis and Psalter of 1066) http://www.britishmuseum.org/explore/world_cultures/europe/byzantine_empire.aspx
U.K., Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, http://www.ashmolean.org/ Byzantine collection section
U.K., Edinburgh, Talbot Rice Collection. http://www.ed.ac.uk/about/museums-galleries/talbot-rice
U.K. - Earl of Leicester´s Collection, Holkham, icons and manuscripts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_collections_of_Holkham_Hall
U.K.- WEB SOURCES- This site offers links to major art-historical sites
U.K., The Open University’s site on North African houses and mosaics,
U.K. – AHRB Centre for Byzantine Cultural History http://www.byzantine-ahrb-centre.ac.uk/Staff/Margaret.htm; http://www.byzantine-ahrb-centre.ac.uk/index.htm
U.K. – For Byzantine projects see http://www.byzantine-ahrb-centre.ac.uk/projects.htm
U.K., – Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire Project, http://www.pbw.kcl.ac.uk/
UK, - Journal of Late Antiquity - content available by subscription, free content available online, abstracts available online, http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_late_antiquity/
U.K., Porphyrogenitus Project – Lexicon of Abbreviations & Ligatures in Greek Minuscule Hands (ca. 8th century A.D. to ca. 1600).
U.K., Late Antiquity Research Group, Reading University
U.K., Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies, on-line: http://www.mcbishop.co.uk/jrmes/contents.htm
U.K., Ecclesiastical History Society, http://www.history.ac.uk/ehsoc/
U.K., Late Antique Urbanism Site – Luke Lavan, http://www.lateantiquearchaeology.com/
U.K., Grammar of Medieval Greek, Research Project, Cambridge,
U.K., Gouden Hoorn (Golden Horn Journal) – full online vision, http://www.isidore-of-seville.com/goudenhoorn/
U.K., Byzantium around year 1200 - Explore Constantinople in 3 dimensions, http://www.byzantium1200.com/
U.K., Suda On Line – Byzantine Lexicography, http://www.stoa.org/sol/
U.K., Archaeolink - includes a selected list of Byzantine-related sites with brief reviews – Rod Polasky
U.K., Anastasian Wall Project and Water Supply of Constantinople, http://www.shc.ed.ac.uk/projects/longwalls/
also http://www.shc.ed.ac.uk/projects/longwalls/AnastasianWall.htm
U.K., Amorium - introduction to the site and news of new discoveries and publications, http://www.amoriumexcavations.org/
U.K., Patristic, Church Fathers, Early Church Fathers – Additional Texts,
U.K. – Society for Late Antiquity, http://www.sc.edu/ltantsoc/
U.K., Prosopographie of the Byzantine World, http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/PBE/
U.K., site Byzantine Numismatics – also covers issues from Trebizond, Serbia and more, http://www.wegm.com/coins/index.htm
U.K. – Syroupoulos project. An electronic publication of the translation and commentary of the Fourth Book of Sylvester Syropoulos’s Memoirs. http://www.syropoulos.co.uk
U.K. – Archives HUB – Search across a wealth of archives held in nearly 200 UK institutions, including the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. http://archiveshub.ac.uk
U.K. – Intute-Gateway to subject catalogues with links to high quality internet sites, selected and described by specialists from within British academia. http://www.intute.ac.uk/
U.K., Antiquity, http://antiquity.ac.uk/archive.html;
U.K., PUBLISHERS. Alexandropress, www.alexandrospress.com
U.K., Liverpol University Press, http://www.liverpool-unipress.co.uk (Translated Texts for Historians. Translated Text for Byzantinists (Gen. Ed. Judith Ryder, Judith Herrin, Elisabeth M. Jeffrey)
U.K., Maney Publishers, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (Maney Publishing) – online contents pages from recent issues, http://www.maney.co.uk/index.php/journals/byz/
U.K., Ashgate, http://www.ashgate.com/history; http://www.ashgate.com/ebooks
U.K., James Clarke & Co, http://www.jamesclarke.co/
U.K., T&T Clark, http://www.continuumbooks.com;
U.K., Oxford University Press, http://www.oup.com/uk/religion;
Byzantine studies: http://www.oup.com/uk
U.K., Cambridge University Press, http://www.cambridge.org/religion
U.K., Cascade Press, http://www.wipfandstock.com
U.K., Edwin Mellen Press, http://www.mellenpress.com
U.K., Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations (ISSN 0960-9997) available from http://www.amazon.co.uk
U.K., Book Sellers: St Philip´s Books, Oxford, www.stphilipsbooks.co.uk