
Egypt, Museum, Coptic Museum Cairo:,
Egypt, Places of interest: Ahnas, large sanctuary of the fourth century. Its sculptural decoration from Graeco-Roman to Coptic art.
Egypt,  Antinoë, Metropolis of the Thebaid. Excavations conducted between 1890 and 1900 by Grayet brought to light numerous very wealthy burials from the Byzantine period, funerary portraits and figured textiles. Antinoë had a large number of churches. Egypt, Panopolis (Chemnis) in upper Egypt, known chiefly for its necropolis, which has yielded evidence of a very flourishing tapestry industry, together with numerous funerary portraits, indicative of a wealthy population.
Egypt, Cairo, The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa:
Egypt: Sinai, Monastery of St. Catherine: The monastic colony of Mount Sinai, which occupies so prominent a place in medieval history, was first set on a regular basis in the sixth century, when Justinian at great expense built a monastery dedicated to the Virgin. From the 12th century under the patronage of St Catherine, the monastery possesses an admirable mosaic, thanks to the liberality of Justinian I. The chapel of St James contains frescoes of the 13th century. The monastery of Sinai is a veritable museum of Byzantine art. Its library contains 2291 Greek manuscripts. 600 Arabic, 257 Syriac, 88 Georgian, 40 Slavonic, 6 Ethiopian. The monastery also possesses a very important collection of icons (two thousand icons, representative of all periods of Byzantine painting from the fifth century). The church mosaic of the Transfiguration (6th century). Treasure: richest collection of icons of all periods including the world oldest icons.
Library: more than 10 000 manuscripts. Codex Sinaiticus.;