Macedonia, Narodna i univerzitetska biblioteka “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” (National and University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”),
Macedonia, Monuments: Ohrid (Ochrid), formerly a Greek colony from the end of the 3rd century Ochrid was a seat of the bishopric. Toward the end of the 9th century, Clement and Naum, disciples of Cyril and Methodius, apostles of the Slavs, founded churches and monasteries in Ochrid. In the tenth century the Bulgarian tsar Samuel made it the seat of a Slav patriarchate. Recovered by the Byzantines in 1020, Ochrid became the seat of an archbishopric: archbishop Leo (1037-57) was the donor of the Cathedral of St Sophia, the most remarkable of the city´s monuments. Mention may also be made of the Peribleptos Church (13th century frescoes). Decorated with frescoes by Michael and Eutychos about 1295. Frescoes about 600 square metres have disclosed the existence of a tendency to realistic and dramatic painting which blossomed in Macedonia and Serbia between 1290 and 1330. The small church of SS Constantine and Helena (14th century frescoes). In the neighbourhood of Ochrid are the monastery of St Erasmus (14th century frescoes), the Church of the Ascension at Leskovac (15th century frescoes), the beautiful monastery of St Naum and the monastery of the Holy Virgin of Zaum (1361). The Museum at Ochrid contains a noteworthy collection of icons from the 14th to 16th centuries,
Macedonia, Ohrid, Church of St Sophia – cathedral which contains the most important Byzantine frescoes from the early 11th century. In the lower range, saints and patriarchs of East and West. In the vault the Ascension, surrounded by a splendid frieze of prostrate angels with veiled hands.,_
Macedonia, Ohrid, St Clement: frescoes by Eutychios and Michael (13th century);
St Pantaleymon,_Ohrid.
Macedonia, Museum of Historical Monuments, Ohrid: icons,
Macedonia, Cučer (Cucher), The Monastery of St Nikita was founded by King Milutin at the beginning of the 14th century and contains frescoes by Michael and Eutychios, as attested by their signatures on the shield of one of the warrior saints, to be seen on the south wall. The frescoes include a cycle dealing with the miracle of Christ, the Passion and the great Feasts. St Nikita Church, frescoes (1310),
Macedonia, Skoplje: Art Gallery, important collection of icons (13th – 16th centuries) from the churches of Ochrid.
Staro Nagoričino: Frescoes by Astrapas, Eutychios and Michael (c. 1314), who decorated a large number of monuments in Serbia and Macedonia. Founded in 1314 by King Milutin.,_Staro_Nagori%C4%8Dane
Kurbinovo: The church of St George, frescoes from 12th century. Among the scenes preserved, mention should be made of those representing the great festivals and the Passion, also the angel of the Annunciation. The group of artists responsible for this decoration perhaps also worked at the church of the Anargyroi, Kastoria (Greece).
Lesnovo: history probably begins in the 11th – 12th century. Restored in the second quarter of the 14th century, by building a monumental sanctuary of Archangel Michael (1341/1349c.) and painting its interior, (1346/47 and after 1349) and bestowed with many assets, the monastery is the biggest memorial commissioned by a nobleman (Lord Jovan Oliver) from the period of the expansion of the Serbian monarchy in the Middle Ages (King Stefan Dušan). Frescoes in the interior dating from 1349 represent scenes whose inspiration is often drawn from folklore.
Marko Monastery, founded in 1371. The work of two painters can be distinguished. One group is characterised by its linear technique, the other by its intense colouring,
Macedonia, Kosovo, Matejič, the monastery church was build c. 1356. The frescoes are now somewhat affaced and faded, but one can still see, in addition to portraits of the founders and anonymous people, illustrations of entire cycles: the cycle of the great feasts, scenes from the Old Testaments etc. On destruction of churches in Kosovo see:
Nerezi, The monastery of St Pantaleimon near Nerezi. The frescoes in the church are a landmark in the history of European painting; through the discriminating distribution of the voids and the intense expressivity of the countenances they belong to the majesty of the monumental order and, at the same time, show awareness of the nuances and secrets of the life and psyche. A profound life, at once personal and ideal, radiates from the array of saints and lights their faces with disturbing, phosphorescent gleams. But the new sensibility expresses itself with greatest force in the two immense compositions of the Descent from the Cross and the Threnos. See
Macedonia, Stobi, in the third century a defence post, in the forth Stobi became the capital of Macedonia Secunda. Excavations have brought to light a Greek theatre, a basilica dating certainly from the sixth century and the so-called Parthenius palace, whose pavements are adorned with mosaics.